decembrie 23, 2020
Un organism sanatos este acela care are o permanenta stare de echilibru, care stie sa armonizeze fizicul, mentalul, emotionalul si energeticul. Natura inzestreaza omul prin nastere, cu tot ceea ce are nevoie pentru a se conecta la mediul exterior si a se sincroniza cu echilibrul Universului. Tumultul zilelor noastre insa creeaza uneori tendinte daunatoare care capteaza fiintele umane si le cufunda in dezechilibru, astfel ca, ce odinioara se regla de la sine, astazi necesita o constientizare permanenta pentru a putea ramane in limitele normale si a atinge exuberanta caracteristica fiintei umane. Ce inseamna constientizare ? Inseamna sa putem discerne importanta trairii vietii in sensul corect, al cunoasterii si implicarii, a te uni cu totul, a accepta importanta fiecarei specii, importanta ecosistemului si pastrarea acestuia in echilibru, pentru a dobandi echilibru.
Familia este un factor care poate influenta, care poate crea tendinte, de aceea oamenii prea ancorati in familie, invatati sa se identifice strict cu traditiile acestora, ajung sa fie limitati. Familia nu trebuie sa controleze, ci sa determine pe membrii ei sa imbunateasca, cu fiecare generatie, modul de a o privi ca pe un dar, ce poate fi trait la scara larga. Modul in care iti rasfrangi sentimentele catre apropapele tau, intelegand prin aproape nu doar familie, prieten sau un bun material devenit obsesie, ci tot ceea ce te inconjoara, toata materia de pe Planta si din Univers, doar atunci vei deveni echilibrat si exuberant. Doar atunci sarbatorile traditionale petrecute in familie, vor devein prilej de nenumarate bucurii si va vor aduce o stare de sanatate. Dupa cum se spune ca “Sanatatea vine din interior”, poti sa-ti maiestresti interiorul in asa fel incat sa poti constientiza Viata, alaturi de Marea Familie Universala.
Va ofer o adresa la care puteti viziona timp de 2 minute si 19 secunde, un adevar pe care mi-as dori sa-l simtiti:
Craciunul si Anul Nou, sa va bucure ! SARBATORI MINUNATE sa aveti !!!
A healthy organism is one that has a permanent state of equilibrium, that knows how to harmonize the physical, mental, emotional and energetic. Nature equips humans by birth, with everything they need to connect to the external environment and synchronize with the balance of the Universe. But the tumult of present days sometimes creates harmful tendencies that capture people and plunge them into imbalance, so that, once self-adjusting, today requires a permanent awareness in order to be able to remain within normal limits and achieve the exuberance characteristic of the human being. What’s awareness? It means to be able to discern the importance of living life in the right sense, of knowledge and involvement, of getting together altogether, of accepting the importance of each species, the importance of the ecosystem and keeping it in balance, in order to gain balance.
Family is a factor that can influence, that can create tendencies, that’s why people too anchored in the family, taught to identify strictly with their traditions, end up being limited. The family must not control, but cause its members to improve, with each generation, the way of looking at it as a gift that can be lived on a large scale. The way you spread your feelings to your closeness, understanding by almost not just family, friend or good material became obsession, but everything that surrounds you, all matter on the Plant and in the Universe, only then you will become balanced and exuberant. Only then the traditional holidays spent in the family, will make you an occasion of countless joys and bring you a state of health. As they say that „Health comes from within”, you can master your inner in such a way that you can become aware of Life, with the Great Universal Family.