Omleta pregatita sanatos, cu nutrienti importanti din oua, broccoli si mirodenii.
– 200 gr buchetetele de broccoli
– 10 oua de gaina
– 3 linguri de ulei presat la rece
– ½ lingurita de boabe de ienibahar, rasnite
– ½ lingurita de seminte de chimen, rasnite
– o lingura de oregano uscat
– sare neiodata, dupa gust
Se spala bine broccoli, se rup buchetelele in bucati mici si se lasa la scurs. Se sparg ouale si se bat cu telul, apoi li se adauga buchetele mici de broccoli, sarea, ienibaharul macinat si semintele de chimen macinate.
Se amesteca, se adauga uleiul si oregano uscat si se plaseaza in tava, pe hartie de copt.
Se coace in cuptorul incins, cca 10 minute, pana se umfla si capata culoarea aurie.
Se portioneaza si se serveste ca atare, simpla sau cu muraturi.
English version:
A helthy omelet prepared with important nutrients from eggs, broccoli and spices. INGREDIENTS: – 200 gr of broccoli florets – 10 chicken eggs – 3 tbsp cold-pressed oil – ½ tsp allspice berries, grinders – ½ tsp cumin seeds, grinders – a tbsp of dried oregano – non-iodized salt to taste PREPARATION: First wash broccoli florets, break into small pieces and leave to drain. Break eggs and beat with a wisk, then add them small broccoli bouqhets, salt, allspice and cumin.Stir, add oil and oregano, then place in pan, on parchment paper. Bake in hot oven, about 10 minutes, until puffed and gets gold color. Portion and serv as such, or with pickles.